Some people crave the hot heat of summer as an excuse to find the closest body of water while others can’t wait to dig their ski poles into a pile of snow. If you’ve been day dreaming about cooler days and trees taking on the color of the sunset, then one might guess that Fall is your favorite season. For those waiting for the perfect time to take a trip from Boise to Sun Valley the months September through November couldn’t be more perfect. You’ll arrive just in time to see the valley alight with a golden hue.
Take a Hike
Summer is busy for everyone. There are parties and weddings and reasons to stay out late with the sun. Fall is a reflective time to take a break and relax in solidarity. Hiking in Sun Valley can provide golden scenery as you reconnect with your breath and take in the changing autumn landscape. Sun Valley is a popular destination with Sunset Magazine in the Fall for its low tourist population. One writer noted the joy of traffic free hiking by saying, “…I didn't see anyone else, period. Just me and a heavy-jawed rainbow trout”. To experience this tranquility, try hikes like Taylor Canyon Trail or Fall Creek Trailhead.
Culture in a Small Town
If you are traveling from Boise to Sun Valley, you might think you are leaving a cultural area behind. On the contrary, you are headed to an area brimming with arts, music, and history. If you’re lucky, your trip will coincide with the usual traffic jam of a hundred or more puffy white sheep being herded across the highway; as was the case for the Sunset Magazine writer. Sheep ranching has a long history in Sun Valley and is celebrated with the accoladed Trailing of the Sheep Festival. Get a sense of culture past and present, at this event you don’t want to miss.
Fall is nothing short of spectacular in Sun Valley and for a good reason. The air is cool, the colors rich, and the people inviting. To plan a trip from Boise to Sun Valley without the hassle of driving, try a shuttle service. For more information on packages and rates, call us today